# Closing Thoughts

Keep the vision in mind. Keep trying and failing. You will get stuck. It won’t be quick, but over time you’ll get better and better at coding. Keep persevering and don’t give up. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask “dumb questions” — there are no dumb questions.

— SuperHi

# Why focus on process?

For a small website, maybe it doesn't matter as much, but of course, a lot of websites are much larger. Someday, you might spend 200 hours or more on a project as part of a team. If there are problems with the process, it can get painful. It's worth the work to align a team on process.

The Modern Web Design Process E-Book

# Enough or too much code?

It's pretty clear to me that to get anyone fully proficient in any coding language would take at least a semester focused on that one thing. Instead, we stayed focused on where code intersects with design, and that's CSS. I hope that you feel that the bar to entry if you want to pursue further learning, was at least lowered significantly by this class.

Remember, you might only understand 20% of CSS and HTML and still make a website that works. It's totally okay to copy the code, hack something together, and put it out there, even if you don't understand every aspect.

I do think I overdid the lectures this time. When focusing on more exercises might have been more useful and practical.

# Codecademy? Any good?

Let me know what you thought of Codecademy. I have mixed feelings, but I want to know if you felt it helped you at all.

# Do you even want to?

New jobs won't expect you to know everything. You may be forced to learn more code, but if you don't like it, you'll eventually drift out of that position. It's all okay.

If you do like it and want to learn more, there's a wealth of resources out there. If you keep at it, you may find yourself drifting into a more technical job.

# On design

However conflicted I feel about teaching code, I feel like the design portion of this class was pretty successful. Is there something you think is missing I should try to hit on another time?

# Ideas for next year?

SuperHi! Learn to Code Now

All of the A List Apart Books

Steve Krug: Don't Make me Think

# More

Check out the Resources Page

...and the Further Learning Page

Last Updated: 11/25/2019, 2:20:51 AM